Ok, I have plans again for this weekend. =) I am "planning" to repaint Mary-Grace's room. Poor thing, it has already been painted once, now repainting and she hasn't even moved in it yet-its empty! I should take some before and after pictures so you can see. Plus, so I can see it after I finish it. It is painted blue and yellow right now. At the time when we originally painted it we thought that would be for our lil girl and our youngest lil boy Logan. Well, since then our oldest son Lucas has decided he wants the bedroom downstairs, so Logan will get his own room too. I will have to repaint that room ugh!
Anyway, I plan to paint her room pink up top, yellow on the bottom and purple in the middle like a border. That is if DH doesn't have a coronary about the colors. =) These colors will match her Raggedy Ann and Andy quilt that I made for her. She loves that thing. I have the letters that spell her name out and they are white. That will look good over her bed. I love those things! =) Here's my post about the quilt
http://5kidsmyhusbandandme.blogspot.com/2009/12/raggedy-ann-and-andy-quilt.htmlI still need to paint our master bathroom to match our bedroom. I need to paint the kitchen. All of this needs to be complete before we do our flooring in all of these rooms. We have our estimate and are working towards getting it done.
We still have to find a loving home for our 2 pugs Lenny & Squiggy. They are going to be left at home all day while we are at work/school. That is just too long for them to be left like that. The kids have not paid them as much attention as they said they would...... imagine that! So, before the flooring....we have to find a new home for them.
Hugs to you all. I hope that everyone gets as much work done as they are wanting to this weekend. I for one am tired of this project that we started over 5 years ago. We are so close but so far away from having our addition done. Can't wait!!
TTFN (Ta Ta For Now) =)